Monday, April 19, 2010

The best part about Mondays?

The end part - adios, Monday!

Hey Friday, hurry up, get over here & bring that weekend with ya!

SeƱor Bizbee, El Gato Magnifico >^..^<

- Posted using BlogPress from MY spiffy iPhone (I just let Maw borrow it cuz I'm cool like dat)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Thank God I'm Feline - TGIF!

Oh beloved Weekend, how I have yearned fur you to come to me & now you're finally here!

Someone pinch me so I know I'm not just dreaming!



- Posted using BlogPress from MY spiffy iPhone (I just let Maw borrow it cuz I'm cool like dat)

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Anipal Times!!!

Hello, Dear Readers!

There's a new and exciting online newspaper that has just launched, on April 3rd, and it's called The Anipal Times! It's dedicated to the latest happenings in the anipal/animal world, pawesome literary & artistic contributions from some of Twitter's finest anipals, plus links to terrific animal resources and charities - all in one site! There's such a variety of content, it's like a megamart of animal-related funtasticness! Seriously though, there's an incredible amount of groovy schtuff going on there, so check it out Keep coming back to the site often as it will be updated on a regular's like the gift that keeps on giving!

I'm quite proud to be a part of this fantabulous collaboration! Not only am I honored to have been asked to help edit certain pieces, but I'm tickled to announce that I've also been given the opportunity to contribute in the Games section of the premiere issue!

Mega-Kudos go out to @Snick_the_Dog and @cokiethecat for all of their hard, amazing work putting this all together. Also, a ginormous round of applause *smacks paws together, over and over*, to the many anipals involved with creating The AT. Thanks so much for sharing your creativity, time and charming personalities.

*raises water bowl for a toast* Here's to the success of The Anipal Times! May it be a source of news, happiness and joy for all animal enthusiasts around the world!

Toodles fur now,
